
Speed dating for business

SBA Business Matchmaking, Ft. Lauderdale
I attended the small business administration’s (SBA) business matchmaking event last week and the best way to describe it is speed dating for business. The one day event was held down in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and sponsored by the small business administration and Hewlett-Packard. The format of the business matchmaking event was very similar to speed dating. Buyers and sellers provided information prior to the event and were then matched up. The seller was then provided with all their matches and they could make appointments based on the buyer's availability. Prior to the event, I was fortunate enough to set 10 meetings with potential buyers.

The event was held on the 16th of November and it was extremely successful, not only identifying potential leads but also networking with other small businesses. As a marketing and sales professional it was refreshing to spend some time with 'real' people. All sales people can identify with the frustration of trying to get a real person on the phone or sending out a myriad of emails to potential clients with no results. It was great spending a day with potential buyers from across the country chatting about your specific solutions and networking with other motivated small business execs.

I would highly recommend these events to both buyers and sellers. The schedule of upcoming
events for next year will be published at the beginning of 2007 and I will definitely be checking it out as soon as the registration opens.

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