
Effective blogging

I have been having a very thought provoking and interesting conversation with some experienced blogging folks at Tony Karrer's informative blog. I would definitely recommend that you check out Tony's blog which he describes as a blog that covers "trends in eLearning and more broadly the use of technology that aims to improve human performance".

So the
discussion that I have been having relates to the use of blogs and more specifically what type of content should/could be covered in blogs. The responses that I got were interesting and some times a little heated, but none the less posted with good intentions. These discussions have been enlightening to someone who is admittedly new to blogging. My intention was to get some insightful feedback on what it means to blog effectively and to this end I feel I have been extremely successful. I would appreciate any more thoughts on what you think a good blog is and please provide some examples and links to thought provoking/engaging blogs.

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